A Few Quotes from Kay Ryan, found in X J Kennedy's Introduction to Literature:
"First, when I write a poem I'm completely occupied with trying to net some elusive fish; I'm desperate to get the net (made of words) knotted in such a way that it will catch the desired fish (a half-formed idea, a wisp of a feeling). I'm not thinking of anything but that; I'm not thinking of me, I'm not thinking of you" (627).
In response to the question, what is the purpose of poetry:
"The secret, long-term purpose of poetry is to create more space between everything. Poetry is the main engine of the expanding universe. You yourself will have noticed how reading a poem that really strikes you (that will be one in 25, if you're lucky; a poem can be great and still not strike YOU) makes you feel freer and less burdened, even if it's about death. You feel fresher, more awake. This proves my point; your atoms have been subtly distanced from each other, like a breeze is blowing through your DNA. That's poetry loosening you" (627).
no comments? I thought I commented. I love the imagery in this quote. Like quicksilver I've heard a lot, but not fish. Who's ever worked with quicksilver in real life anyway? Fish --I can see that.
Kind of describes being in the zone--total focus.
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